This is the wholesale site for Edgie Eats . Log in for prices and ordering, or apply for an account.
  • Please email for any questions or queries
  • If there are any issues with your delivery please email within 24 hours
  • If you have not received your delivery please call on 07501780028
  • Please note all our items may contain wheat, milk, eggs, nuts, peanuts, soya and sulphites due to handling these in our bakery
  • Orders must be placed 48 hours before, if not it will automatically be assigned to the next delivery day. 
  • Delivery is free if you meet the minimum order requirement which is £50. 
  • Invoices are sent via email on day of delivery and must be paid within the set out time frame
  • Every box is labelled with allergens and use by date
  • Full ingredient and allergen lists are available on our website